martes, 7 de abril de 2020

En mi dedo tenía una sortija

I held a jewel in my fingers
I held a jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep.
The day was warm, and winds were prosy;
I said: “Twill keep.”
I woke and chid my honest fingers,—
The gem was gone;
And now an amethyst remembrance
Is all I own.
En mi dedo tenía una sortija
En mi dedo tenía una sortija.
La brisa entre los árboles erraba.
El día estaba azul, cálido, bello.
Y me quedé dormida sobre la suave hierba.
Al despertar miré sobresaltada
Mi mano pura en aquella tarde clara.
La sortija entre mis dedos ya no estaba.
Cuanto poseo ahora en este mundo
Es sólo un recuerdo de color dorado,
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello! What a beautiful illustration to a favourite poet's poem! I like the figure that's partly invisible...
    P.P. I came back to my blog, hope to be regular with my posts. Now I have more time (due to the tough period we are in) to do things that I love!
    Stay safe, Nerina!
